Sign the national pledge!

Inspired by the courageous young survivors in Parkland, Florida and across the nation, students, parents, educators and community advocates will join together on April 20, 2018, for the National Day of Action Against Gun Violence in Schools. Together we must take up the students’ call, “Books not Guns.”

On April 20 we will mark the 19th anniversary of the Columbine massacre by standing together to demand that our elected leaders take meaningful action to stop the violence that is tearing apart our schools and our communities.

The problem extends beyond mass shootings. Gun violence affects the lives of our students far too often, inside and outside of schools. Gun violence affects too many youth, especially in communities of color, on a daily basis. It is far past time for our leaders to take real action when it comes to gun violence. Because they have not acted, we must.

For more information, to find an event near you, and to sign the national pledge, go to